Turbo Tetra Crop

For reseeding on meadows and pastures; also as seed for 2-3 annual crop rotation.

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It is a mixture of three diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass; from early to late varieties as well as the Italian ryegrass. It improves significantly the feed quality of older meadows and is the right solution for restoring competitiveness between grass species in the grass sward.

Additional information


grass-moving, grazing

Type of soil


Durability of use



Sowing standard:
a) 15-20 kg/ha for reseeding
b) 30-40 kg /ha for new sowing
Sowing: March-April, August, September, until mid-October

LOLIUM PERENNE (early) 30 %
LOLIUM PERENNE (middle) 30 %
LOLIUM PERENNE (late) 20 %